Saturday, December 2, 2006

Ahmadinejad writes to American people

Islamic Republic of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent a message Wednesdasy evening for the American people, inviting them to the common grounds of the two nation in terms of God-fearing, truth loving and justice seeking.

The full text of the message of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran To the American People is as follows:

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

"O, Almighty God, bestow upon humanity the perfect human being promised to all by You, and make us among his followers."

Noble Americans!
Were we not faced with the activities of the US administration in this part of the world and the negative ramifications of those activities on the daily lives of our peoples, coupled with the many wars and calamities caused by the US administration as well as the tragic consequences of US interference in other countries; Were the American people not God-fearing, truth-loving, and justice-seeking, while the US administration actively conceals the truth and impedes any objective portrayal of current realities; And if we did not share a common responsibility to promote and protect freedom and human dignity and integrity; Then, there would have been little urgency to have a dialogue with you.

While Divine providence has placed Iran and the United States geographically far apart, we should be cognizant that human values and our common human spirit, which proclaim the dignity and exalted worth of all human beings, have brought our two great nations of Iran and the United States closer together.

Both our nations are God-fearing, truth-loving and justice-seeking, and both seek dignity, respect and perfection.

Both greatly value and readily embrace the promotion of human ideals such as compassion, empathy, respect for the rights of human beings, securing justice and equity, and defending the innocent and the weak against oppressors and bullies.

We are all inclined towards the good, and towards extending a helping hand to one another, particularly to those in need.

We all deplore injustice, the trampling of peoples' rights and the intimidation and humiliation of human beings.

We all detest darkness, deceit, lies and distortion, and seek and admire salvation, enlightenment, sincerity and honesty.

The pure human essence of the two great nations of Iran and the United States testify to the veracity of these statements.

Noble Americans!
Our nation has always extended its hand of friendship to all other nations of the world.

Hundreds of thousands of my Iranian compatriots are living amongst you in friendship and peace, and are contributing positively to your society. Our people have been in contact with you over the past many years and have maintained these contacts despite the unnecessary restrictions of US authorities.

As mentioned, we have common concerns, face similar challenges, and are pained by the sufferings and afflictions in the world.

We, like you, are aggrieved by the ever-worsening pain and misery of the Palestinian people. Persistent aggressions by the Zionists are making life more and more difficult for the rightful owners of the land of Palestine. In broad day-light, in front of cameras and before the eyes of the world, they are bombarding innocent defenseless civilians, bulldozing houses, firing machine guns at students in the streets and alleys, and subjecting their families to endless grief.

No day goes by without a new crime.

Palestinian mothers, just like Iranian and American mothers, love their children, and are painfully bereaved by the imprisonment, wounding and murder of their children. Which mother wouldn't? For 60 years, the Zionist regime has driven millions of the inhabitants of Palestine out of their homes. Many of these refugees have died in the Diaspora and in refugee camps. Their children have spent their youth in these camps and are aging while still in the hope of returning to homeland.

You know well that the US administration has persistently provided blind and blanket support to the Zionist regime, has emboldened it to continue its crimes, and has prevented the UN Security Council from condemning it.

Who can deny such broken promises and grave injustices towards humanity by the US administration?
Governments are there to serve their own people. No people wants to side with or support any oppressors. But regrettably, the US administration disregards even its own public opinion and remains in the forefront of supporting the trampling of the rights of the Palestinian people.

Let's take a look at Iraq. Since the commencement of the US military presence in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, maimed or displaced. Terrorism in Iraq has grown exponentially. With the presence of the US military in Iraq, nothing has been done to rebuild the ruins, to restore the infrastructure or to alleviate poverty. The US Government used the pretext of the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but later it became clear that that was just a lie and a deception.

Although Saddam was overthrown and people are happy about his departure, the pain and suffering of the Iraqi people has persisted and has even been aggravated.

In Iraq, about one hundred and fifty thousand American soldiers, separated from their families and loved ones, are operating under the command of the current US administration. A substantial number of them have been killed or wounded and their presence in Iraq has tarnished the image of the American people and government.

Their mothers and relatives have, on numerous occasions, displayed their discontent with the presence of their sons and daughters in a land thousands of miles away from US shores. American soldiers often wonder why they have been sent to Iraq.

I consider it extremely unlikely that you, the American people, consent to the billions of dollars of annual expenditure from your treasury for this military misadventure.

Noble Americans!
You have heard that the US administration is kidnapping its presumed opponents from across the globe and arbitrarily holding them without trial or any international supervision in horrendous prisons that it has established in various parts of the world. God knows who these detainees actually are, and what terrible fate awaits them.

You have certainly heard the sad stories of the Guantanamo and Abu-Ghraib prisons. The US administration attempts to justify them through its proclaimed "war on terror." But everyone knows that such behavior, in fact, offends global public opinion, exacerbates resentment and thereby spreads terrorism, and tarnishes the US image and its credibility among nations.

The US administration's illegal and immoral behavior is not even confined to outside its borders. You are witnessing daily that under the pretext of "the war on terror," civil liberties in the United States are being increasingly curtailed. Even the privacy of individuals is fast losing its meaning. Judicial due process and fundamental rights are trampled upon. Private phones are tapped, suspects are arbitrarily arrested, sometimes beaten in the streets, or even shot to death.

I have no doubt that the American people do not approve of this behavior and indeed deplore it.

The US administration does not accept accountability before any organization, institution or council. The US administration has undermined the credibility of international organizations, particularly the United Nations and its Security Council. But, I do not intend to address all the challenges and calamities in this message.

The legitimacy, power and influence of a government do not emanate from its arsenals of tanks, fighter aircrafts, missiles or nuclear weapons. Legitimacy and influence reside in sound logic, quest for justice and compassion and empathy for all humanity. The global position of the United States is in all probability weakened because the administration has continued to resort to force, to conceal the truth, and to mislead the American people about its policies and practices.

Undoubtedly, the American people are not satisfied with this behavior and they showed their discontent in the recent elections. I hope that in the wake of the mid-term elections, the administration of President Bush will have heard and will heed the message of the American people.

My questions are the following: Isn't there a better approach to governance?
Isn't it possible to put wealth and power in the service of peace, stability, prosperity and the happiness of all peoples through a commitment to justice and respect for the rights of all nations, instead of aggression and war?
We all condemn terrorism, because its victims are the innocent.

But, can terrorism be contained and eradicated through war, destruction and the killings of hundreds of thousands of innocents? If that were possible, then why has the problem not been resolved? The sad experience of invading Iraq is before us all.

What has blind support for the Zionists by the US administration brought for the American people? It is regrettable that for the US administration, the interests of these occupiers supersedes the interests of the American people and of the other nations of the world .

What have the Zionists done for the American people that the US administration considers itself obliged to blindly support these infamous aggressors? Is it not because they have imposed themselves on a substantial portion of the banking, financial, cultural and media sectors?
I recommend that in a demonstration of respect for the American people and for humanity, the right of Palestinians to live in their own homeland should be recognized so that millions of Palestinian refugees can return to their homes and the overall fate of Palestine and its form of government be determined in a referendum. This will benefit everyone.

Now that Iraq has a Constitution and an independent Assembly and Government, would it not be more beneficial to bring the US officers and soldiers home, and to spend the astronomical US military expenditures in Iraq for the welfare and prosperity of the American people? As you know very well, many victims of Katrina continue to suffer, and countless Americans continue to live in poverty and homelessness.

I'd also like to say a word to the winners of the recent elections in the US:
The United States has had many administrations; some who have left a positive legacy, and others that are neither remembered fondly by the American people nor by other nations.

Now that you control an important branch of the US Government, you will also be held to account by the people and by history.

If the US Government meets the current domestic and external challenges with an approach based on truth and Justice, it can remedy some of the past afflictions and alleviate some of the global resentment and hatred of America. But if the approach remains the same, it would not be unexpected that the American people would similarly reject the new electoral winners, although the recent elections, rather than reflecting a victory, in reality point to the failure of the current administration's policies. These issues had been extensively dealt with in my letter to President Bush earlier this year.

To sum up:
It is possible to govern based on an approach that is distinctly different from one of coercion, force and injustice.

It is possible to sincerely serve and promote common human values, and honesty and compassion.

It is possible to provide welfare and prosperity without tension, threats, imposition or war.

It is possible to lead the world towards the aspired perfection by adhering to unity, monotheism, morality and spirituality and drawing upon the teachings of the Divine Prophets.

Then, the American people, who are God-fearing and followers of Divine religions, will overcome every difficulty.

What I stated represents some of my concerns.

I am confident that you, the American people, will play an instrumental role in the establishment of justice and spirituality throughout the world. The promises of the Almighty and His prophets will certainly be realized, Justice and Truth will prevail and all nations will live a true life in a climate replete with love, compassion and fraternity.

The US governing establishment, the authorities and the powerful should not choose irreversible paths. As all prophets have taught us, injustice and transgression will eventually bring about decline and demise. Today, the path of return to faith and spirituality is open and unimpeded.

We should all heed the Divine Word of the Holy Qur'an:
"But those who repent, have faith and do good may receive Salvation. Your Lord, alone, creates and chooses as He will, and others have no part in His choice; Glorified is God and Exalted above any partners they ascribe to Him." (28:67-68)
I pray to the Almighty to bless the Iranian and American nations and indeed all nations of the world with dignity and success.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
29 November 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Febrication of Holocaust - Unveiling the Realities

“If a time comes when our people in Palestine push out the native inhabitants, these will not give up their place easily” Jewish Writer Ahad Ha’am in 1891 quotes this. How many people were pushing out how many. 1881 marks the Palestine population as 460,000 with just 30,000 Jews. So were these 30,000 Jews pushing out 430,000 Muslims ? Yes, but how ?

The Zionism’s founding myth was the slogan “a land without people for a people without a land”. This means that Zionism says that Palestine was a land without people, how is it true, when there was a 430,000 non Jewish population present? This was a dream of Theodor Herzl, the Jewish French Journalist, who never wrote or never has shown any affiliation towards Jewism. But one fine day he started to feel the pain of Anti-Semitism on European Jewry? Strange? He turned out to be the Father of Zionism, who founded Zionism on the basis of Anti Semitism (atrocities against Jews in European State). He proposed that the only solution for European Jews to live a peaceful life in Europe was to have a country of their own. It should be notified over here that Herzl was a media man, who by his records was an ideological person, so his sudden inclination to support Jewism is questionable, and we will address this later on.

The first game which Zionists played to materialize this dream was to buy the land of Palestine from notable Arabs settled in comforts and luxuries of Lebanon and other parts of Arab worlds. As Ben Yehuda, the pioneer of Modern Hebrew said “We shall, buy, buy, buy. “We shall not set up committee so that the Arabs will know what we are after; we shall act like silent spies”. The Zionist capitalist now started converting Arab land into Jewish settlements, making few notable Arabs more rich, and the farmers now queuing up for jobs in Jewish organizations in Jerusalem.

Herzl moved ahead on this mission and in 1896 during the First Zionist Congress in Basel, he declared that Zionism’s aim was to create for the Jewish people “a home in Palestine”. He says “At Basel I founded the Jewish state. If I said this out loud today I would be answered with laughter. Perhaps in 5 years, certainly in 50, everyone will know it.” “The new state (of Israel) would serve as a European fortress against Asia (Muslims)”. “Zionism would form a guard of honour around the sanctuaries of Christendom”

This comment of Herzl’s answers our earlier question about him. There was something else cooking behind, a fortress, a rampart was required to build up between Christendom and Islam (specifically Arab Muslims). This means there was a Christianity force also working behind Herzl pushing forward for a Jewish dominance in Palestine. The Jewish community was not ready to accept this Zionist theory and was not convinced if they would be really comfortable in this migration, But Why? If they were under atrocities by Europe, then why they are thinking? In 1897, the Rabbis despatch a two man fact finding team to Palestine The answer they got was “beautiful but married to another man”. Herzl could not accept this, it was a now a problem if the Jews themselves do not consider worth moving to Palestine, then how can he materialize this dream of his, backed by some other European Christendom objectives.

Herzl then wrote to Yusuf Zia al Khalidi “Zionism is not a threat to Arabs, but will bring industrialization; talent and the richness of Jews will bring material benefits to Palestine”. In 1903 Britain offers Uganda as a Jewish Homeland. Zionists lobby do not agree “It was Palestine or nothing”. A question here, if separate country for Jews was on the basis to get away from European Anti-Semitism, then what was the problem with Uganda? The 7th Zionist Congress in 1904 formally rejected the Uganda offer.

Based on the evidences I have put up till now and also some other notes which I am avoiding due to space, we can summarize the Zionist ideology in the matter of creation of Israel was based on the following points positioned to Jews, whereas there were some background objectives which I have indicated before also and will explain more later. So the Zionist positioning was based on the following principles

- “We are masters of this ancient land; we have 100’s of years of attachment to this land”. This is the link to Quds
- Nationalism should be the basis of the country, A Jewish only nation.
- Palestine is not to be acquired, but conquered
- Theoretical Tendencies would be kept in check and Priesthood confined to Temples.
- Creating a wave and keeping the pressure of Anti Semitism (Oppression on Jews by Europeans and Russians)

As a reaction by locals, from 1890 pocketed Arab resistance had started against Jewish Immigration and letters were sent to Turkey to stop this immigration. This brought up another concern for Herzl (which was just an expression, since he was planted by them only). Herzl’s says “Palestine could not be conquered without the backing of a powerful friend” At that time who would be this powerful friend? Britain.

European Jewry was disliked by Europeans, they did not liked the Jewish presence due to their imperialistic and mischief making attitude. European Jewry was facing resistance in Europe and Russia, and as result by World War 1 – 1914, 25% of World Jewish Population i.e. about 2 Million Jews fled to America. Their numbers would be small in America but the impact would be very high. This again was most probably a part of the game to get on a strong economical hold. Europe has known the Jews since history, but America was a new ground for them to play and dominate.

A European game headed by Britain goes this way. Britain and Europe were all Christian Ideological states, who by history were afraid of the dominance of Islam. On the other side, Jews were highly nationalistic, Ideological and had the common enemy as Christians which was Islam. Jews could be used as a rampart against Islam; this was Britain’s first objective. The Second objective was to purify Europe from the Jewish Ideological mischiefs and their Imperialistic approach to conquer the world. Herzl’s himself said this as “The new state (of Israel) would serve as a European fortress against Asia (Muslims)”. “Zionism would form a guard of honour around the sanctuaries of Christendom”. He was a Jew only by name, he was the man used by Britain to meet their objectives.

2nd November , 1917, with persistent lobbying by future first president of Israel , Chaim Weizmann, The Balfour Declaration by British Cabinet was agreed, which read “His Majesty’s government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and Political” This was a major victory for a fraction of ZIONISM.. Since this Declaration was also talking about preserving the political rights of local, many Zionists were still doubtful about their whole Zionist state, since they were just 10% of the total Palestinian population. The Balfour agreement created a wave in the Arab world. Britain was now openly supporting the Zionist cause.

In 1918, Britain dispatches their Political officer Ormsby Gore to give assurance to Palestinians that Zionists had no intentions to expropriating or displacing the Arab population of Palestine or of seeking to set up a Jewish state or Government in near future. But Gore had a different agenda in background, he wrote to the secretary of War Cabinet “If this splendid country is ever to be properly developed and still more if it is ever to be British, it is only the Zionists who can accomplish these two aims”

With a year, Britain was concerned how Zionism will administer a state which has 90% Arab Muslim population. Palestine for Jews was a land without people (Jews).. How can in reality it become Jewish. In 1930 which was three decades after the seed was planted, Britain left Palestine, after dividing the Holy land between Jews and Palestinians. Zionist thinking was now to work on two steps

1. Deny that Palestine had a native population worth worrying about. This native population is Arab and belongs to Arab main land2. Once the first step is successful to some extent, shift the native Arab population to the wider Arab land.”Did anyone ask the Palestinians, where they belonged to? The hegemonic powers now playing the way they wanted with the innocent people, whereas the local lords where sleeping comfortable in the arms of Lebanese and Arab deities in Beirut, Kuwait and Bahrain, which were made as entertainment hubs for these local Arab lords.

Zionists with the Balfour Agreement had got the first official international support to establish themselves in Palestine, but the question is what path they adopt from them, dialogues or force ?. David Ben Gurion the Head of Zionist movement in this phase writes to his son “We must expel the Arabs and take their places, and if we have to use force, then we have force at our disposal”. The Zionist were not ready to have a country where they dominate and Muslims live under them, they want a Jewish only state, because they knew from history Muslims can rise up anytime against them. And this was happening. In 1936 A full scales Arab revolt erupted against British rule and Zionist enterprise. Britain responded to this revolt with a proposal to create two states, A Jewish state of 5000 square kms (20% of country) and the remainder would be Arab state, with Jewish immigration limited to 12,000 a year.

Alongside Anti-Semitism was growing or in true words propagated in Europe. This was going in line with what was required to move the Jews to Palestine. This Anti-Semitism though had a factor of hatred which Europeans had towards Jews, but this hatred was not to an extent which could lead to persecution, unless there was a political driving force behind this, and this force was the objective of building the state of Israel.

Palestine rejected this proposal of two states. But for Zionism who had their slogan of All or nothing, they accepted this, with the hidden agenda as written by Ben Gurion to his son “I am certain we will be able to settle in all the other parts of the country, whether through agreement with our Arab neighbours or in another way. Erect a Jewish state at once, even if it is not the whole land. The rest will come in course of time. It must come.”

Britain’s proposal of this mini state was a springboard for Ben Gurion to achieve Zionism’s larger aims. There was a political issue on the two fronts of Britain and Zionist. Zionist did not wanted the Arab to be part of their state and also wanted to conquer entire Palestine. But Britain was cunning, they wanted to keep a check on Zionists also, since Britain had a growing Nazi threat on the other side, where it needed the Arab and Muslim worlds support. Hence in 1939 as World War II was coming close, Britain officially halted any support for the Zionist cause. By this time the Jewish population in Palestine had become 1/3rd of the total population.

Zionism now moved towards America for support. November, 1939, Jabotinsky instructed American Jewry to raise half a billion dollars to assist Iraq and Saudi Arabia to absorb Palestinian Arabs. “There was no choice, the Arab must make room for the Jews of Israel” says Jabotinsky

Britain was getting soft on Arab side now, due to growing European tension on a War with Nazi’s. They came out with an agreement limiting Jewish migration to only 75,000 in 5 years, after that migration will not be permitted unless the Arabs agree. They proposed a shared authority in government.

We should not forget over here, that from the time in 1890, when Herzl floated the idea of Zionism state, it was on the basis that European Jews have no future in Europe, and only a Jewish state can protect the Jewish people. So now it was a big question mark, With Britain backing off on speeding up to a full fledged Jewish state, and Arabs resisting and not ready to move out to other countries, how can the Jewish dream of Israel come true?

What will force the European Jews to move to Palestine in big numbers so that they can overcome the Arab resistance and also start to expand? And what will also convince Europe to support this massive movement. Nothing but FEAR, Fear of what? Fear of Death for Jews and Factor of Sympathy to support them by others.

This fear for Jews to move to Palestine and as factor of sympathy for Europe to support this came in the name of Holocaust. Holocaust was the most powerful mobilizing engine, which got the attention and support of whole world Jewry to support a full fledged establishment of Israel. If Holocaust was not there, then Israel could not expand, it was not getting the support from Europe, since Europe to some extent needed Arab and Muslim support and relation, whereas the Imperialistic and Capitalist class was not so keen to burn their hands in a disputed state of Israel. Holocaust resulted into a wave of guilty conscience of Christendom which got translated into support for Zionism. This was also mentioned Benny Morris, one of Israel’s leading revisionist historian; he said “Holocaust mobilized, as nothing else could, the support of world Jewry… the guilty conscience of Christendom translated into support for Zionism”.

If Holocaust changed the dynamics of Zionist movement in their favour, then the first question is whether this happened on its own or was it something instigated? And the second question is whether it did really happen or not?

In answer to the first question, we can say that if it did really happened, then the consequences and outcome shows that this was something instigated. Not just Holocaust, in fact the fuelling of World War II itself had a big contribution by Zionist to change the dynamics of the Zionist Politics to establish an Ideological state, whereas for Europe they wanted to get this Zionist cancer out from Europe and let it spread in the Muslim land, thus hitting two birds with one stone. The first would be building a fortress against Islam in the name of Israel, which will keep on fighting with Arab Muslims, thereby leaving Christianity based Europe away from Muslim encounters. The second target was that the filth of Jewism would be eradicated from Europe. The Jews cunningness and cultural filth has already caused a lot of damage to Christianity and they wanted this cancer now to be eradicated.

The second question whether Holocaust did really happen or was it a myth. With media not so strong at that time, there was as such no need to do a brutal massacre of Jews and then make them move. A few cases would be enough to scare the Jews, who are the community which fears death more than anyone else. By making a big story of massacres, enough support could be rendered for Jews migration to Palestine. Hence Holocaust was nothing but a myth, a fully pre planned game by Zionists under the umbrella of World War II, which gave them the success of establishing an Israeli state. Palestine was a 10% Jewish population land, how can they dominate this nation, and when they move out of the partitioned area and conquer the Palestinian portion also, how will they get their settlements in? If they cannot get people out there, then Israel would become a Jewish land without Jews, which won’t last long against the Arab resistance. If we revisit the basis of foundation of Zionism by Theodor Herzl, it was based on Anti Semitism, hence they have to prove somehow that the atrocities on Jews is just too high and unbearable in Europe, hence as already proposed a separate state was the solution, but which one, the one which is supported by Zionist Ideology. Because if they accept some other location, then the Jews won’t migrate, why? They should migrate if they are living under fear of Holocaust or in general Anti Semitism? Yes, True, if Holocaust was a reality, which was not the case. So a good number of Jews became a victim of Holocaust myth and remaining got driven by their Ideological love for the nation of forefather, resulting into major migration to Palestine.

Another way we can logically argue that Holocaust was a myth is the way European supported Holocaust. Holocaust as portrayed was done by Germany, then why should the Arab bear the pains, Germany should have given land to Jews, Europe should have given, why did they move them out to Palestine? Was it because Zionists had an Ideological attraction to this land. So the European Christendom was supporting Zionist Ideology that Palestine is their land of forefathers? If this is the case, then Kashmir is also a land of Muslim forefathers, why can’t Europe not give this to them also? From when has Europe started to support different Ideologies? If this was sympathy, then this sympathy at the cost of Usury? This is the reason that no one is allowed to speak against Holocaust. Holocaust has rendered that level of support for Zionist cause which was not possible without this. Holocaust has made them an oppressed nation which is being supported by the world. An Oppressor community has been presented as an oppressed one to gather support, whereas the poor Palestinian became a victim to these games. Why is the media so focussed to keep the Holocaust memories alive? So that the Jewish support remains alive? Here we send our salutations to President Ahmedinjad who exposed this and proposed an inquiry to be set up to investigate Holocaust. If Holocaust is proven and accepted by the world as a myth, then that will expose Europe and could become a threat to Israel’s existence.

Another advantage which came out of Holocaust was that the Issue of Partition of the Holy land came on the international agenda after World War II, and international pressure was exerted to recognize Israel as a state. 29th November 1947 then awarded the Gold Medal to the Holocaust Myth; it celebrated the Holocaust myth, when UN passed Resolution 181, which recommended partition of Palestine. It called upon the inhabitants (specifically Arab Muslims) to take necessary steps in getting this partition plan into action. The resolution appealed to all Governments and all peoples to refrain from taking any action which might hamper or delay the carrying out of these recommendations. 33 countries voted in favour of this resolution. An aggrieved page in history, where the Holy Muslim land is divided due to the cunning games played by Zionist. Such games are historical realities of Jews, and this is the reason our Holy Prophet(s) did not wanted Khaibar to be established even though the Jews had no immediate threat to Muslim. This was the fundamental mistake done by Arabs. Though the Palestinians revolted from day 1, but it was a group of dominating notable Arabs who sold themselves for cash sitting in Beirut, Cairo, spending lavish nights with Lebanese women in five star hotels. What was left then in Palestine were youths with stones. These stones were also made ineffective then in form of dummy resistance leadership.

The biggest shock came when the Zionist hard core lobby resisted to this resolution. Ideally the Muslim world should have waged a war against this resolution, but it was Zionism who wanted the full pie and not ready to sacrifice on partition and declared it as illegal. Zionist atrocities on Palestinians were now about to start. The military commander of Israel Menachem Begin with support of mainstream Jewish force Haganah attacked the village of Deir Yassin, leaving scores of Palestinian women, children and youths dead. This was a very dreadful event in Arab History. The attack on Deir Yassin was himself declared by Begin as an act done to terrorize the Muslims and thus make them move out. , It was termed as an “ethnic cleansing” exercise. Such attacks were giving demographic comfort to Jewish state.

May, 1948 – Ben Gurion declared the New State of Israel with UNDEFINED borders, which was a plot for further expansion. Palestine was now under the illegitimate clutches of Zionists. The Arab world has given them more than 3 decades to fulfil their dreams. If they would have realized this cancer on day 1, it could have been eradicated. (A lesson for Iraqi’s to learn over here). Holocaust was a myth which brought the Israeli state issue on an international agenda; ideally the Muslim world should have brought this on an international agenda. When enemies bring something on an international agenda, it is tuned for their benefits. The damage done in these 3 to 4 decades went unnoticed by the Arab world, and by the time Deir Yassin manifested its outcome, it was too late to do something immediately. The fear of Jewish Terrorism overcame the hearts.

US president Truman immediately recognized Ben Gurion’s declaration, followed by Soviet Union’s recognition. The challenge which Israel now had was not from International support or actions, but it was the reaction by the Arab world and specifically neighbours to Palestine. What happened after this is another tragic story of the cowardness, dirty politics of the Arab neighbours, where crooks like King Farouk, Jamal Abdul Nasser, King Fahd, Yassir Arafat stabbed on the back of Palestine. This stabbing is still going on today by King Hussain, Prince Abdullah, Hosni Mubarak and People like Mahmoud Abbas. I don’t have the bandwidth to extend the post declaration story now, I will God willing continue with this and try to unveil certain facts at a later stage.

Winding up this, Holocaust was a myth, a myth which mobilized the Zionist movement, brought it on International agenda, gave enough force to Zionists to start terrorism on Palestinian all under the cover of being an oppressed nation, oppressed by the Nazi’s. Thus, making way to become a strong force in the region for West to fight against Islam. But Alhamdolillah, the few youths of Hezbollah has proved that Israel is nothing but an Ankaboot, a spider’s web, which is made by the phlegm of Europe and is the frailest of the houses, which can be brought down anytime by the power of faith, as demonstrated by these great youths of Hezbollah.May Allah(s) grant us the Taufeeq to be a part of this mission of eradicating Israel from this earth forever.

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